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Thursday, 27 December 2012

Christmas 2012: OOTDs etc~

Hello all!

Ho ho ho! Well, Christmas is over for another year and I must admit, I'm not looking forward to the darkness and coldness of January and February. But anyway, I had a lovely Christmas and I wanted to share it with you all~

I went down to Somerset to spend Christmas with my aunt, uncle and grandma this year. It was a really long drive but I quite like long drives, as I get to sit in the back of the car with my music on and clear my thoughts.

We drove past Stonehenge on the way!

Once we arrived at our seemingly deserted inn, we discovered that it was rather shabby and more than a little bit creepy - the landlord wasn't the most likeable character either but it was ok.

The view from the car park of our inn...there's actually a
prison on the left side!

The place was very historical but it was also crammed full of strange oddities, like ceramic mushrooms with faces!

Some of the weird and wonderful things in our room...
that wheel light was particularly spooky!

Ok, now onto the main feature of the post - the outfits! We arrived on Christmas Eve and I was feeling rather retro that day (blame the history revision) so I decided to pair my newly-bought-but-much-sought-after denim jacket with a berry knit top and black skater skirt. I like the silhouette and I decided to add some spotty tights and my lace collar to the look. I topped it off with a chunky rose bracelet. For my makeup, I applied a large wing of eyeliner, mascara and white highlight. On my lips I used a combination of Estee Lauder's 'Beige' and 'Hot Kiss' to create a nudey-purply shade that was still light (although the picture doesn't do the colour justice!) Here is the result:

Top - Hand-me-down    Jacket - New Look
Skirt - New Look    Tights - Marks & Spencer
Collar - New Look    Bracelet - New Look
Shoes - New Look

For Christmas Day, I wanted to be more relaxed, so I broke in my new khaki jumper from New Look. I loved this jumper not just because of the colour, but because it has a really cool zip up the back (which my grandma rather scornfully suggested was 'an invitation to certain Korean males'). It's neutral too, so it should be a versatile piece to style. I paired it with my lilac jeans that were a birthday gift from Warehouse (although they do lose their shape once they've been worn for a while). I don't find trousers particularly flattering but it would be ridiculous to boycott them. For my makeup, I did intend to have just a hint of eyeliner, but it was a case of putting a little too much on one adding more to the other side, only to make it more uneven, so adding more to the other get the picture! I added a tint of this insane lilac lipgloss I got for about 50p reduced. It actually looks very pretty!

Jumper - New Look
Jeans - Warehouse
Shoes - New Look

So that was my Christmas from a fashion point of view :)

(Here's some bonus photos! Ho ho ho~)

My dad's gift-wrapping skills...

Christmas tree!

AMAZING sky while walking my uncle's dog!

Marzipan animals, make by 3 generations^^


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