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Saturday, 7 July 2012

OOTD-July 7th 2012


So, today I'm stuck inside all day, doing all the homework that I've been putting off (yay for procrastination!), which means I don't really have to bother with dressing up. But anyhow, I felt like delaying the homework a little more and doing this, so here you go.
I've gone for the top and cardigan combo. I've had the top for a while, it's from the Generation 915 section of New Look. It isn't the best quality but it's good for a relaxed look, and it's a little embellished which means there's less need for accessories! (Three cheers for being lazy with clothes! xD)

The cardigan was a present from my mum, I think it's from Store 21 (which is now something else I think?) It's a little damaged but you can't tell. It's so comfy and the florals are really pretty :3 I've also got bog standard skinny jeans on, and cream socks (yay for socks!).


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