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Saturday, 7 July 2012

La Redoute Haul!

My mum likes a bit of La Redoute, the French fashion company that I had dismissed as stuffy. However, I joined my mum in looking through the latest catalogue, and I was quite surprised at how nice-and how 'me'-some of the clothes were. I had to narrow down my wishlist to two items, and I'd like to share them with you!

Firstly, the items that I had to reject and why:

These collars are really quirky, and the gold one was on my shortlist. I liked the idea of having an embellished collar instead of the usual necklace, and it seemed to be quite versatile. However, at £13 I couldn't justify it and there are cheaper ones that are similar in high street stores. Besides, my track record with accessories isn't great, and I had a feeling that I wouldn't wear it enough to make the price worth paying.

I absolutely loved this jumper. I've been looking for one like this for a long time, and this one was particularly similar to one I tried on when I was in New York City. So why did I reject it? Firstly, the description gave no details as to what the jumper was made of, so I couldn't make a judgment on whether it was going to be itchy or uncomfortable (and I am very sensitive to itchy clothes). Secondly, the sizing looked slightly awkward. I would have wanted it to be slightly oversized, but given the shape of it, it probably wouldn't have looked right. So, unfortunately, I had to reject it.

And now, for the items that I decided to order!

Again, I've been looking for a jumper like this for a long time, so I was super excited when I came across these-even more so when I saw that they were only £17! In the end, I went for the 'ivory' option, since I wanted the elbow pads to be very obvious. I was torn between the 'ivory' and the 'powder pink', but I decided on 'ivory' not only because the pads are more obvious, but also because it seemed more versatile and because it also looked like it was more expensive. The 'powder pink' looks a little grungy and farmer-like, and I wanted the jumper to be softer and cleaner 'ivory' it was!

Now, I saw these shoes and completely fell in love with them! I love the vibrant red and the cute T-bar ruffles. At £39, they were a little dear (well, for me anyway since I'm a cheapskate when it comes to shoes-£4 Primark plimsoles ftw!), but as my mum rightly pointed out, I don't have many shoes and I only have one pair of heels, which are wearing out fast. Let's face it-I was too infatuated with these shoes to give up on them anyway! Hehehe^^

So there you are, my La Redoute haul! I'll be sure to make a review post when they arrive!


Unknown said...

Woo! I love this, my mum used to buy loads of children's clothes from La Redoute and the fashion seems to have improved loads now! I like your jumper-elbow pads for the win! xx

Hebe~ said...

Haha, thankyou! I used to get kids stuff from there too^^ xx

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