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Monday, 4 March 2013

Not Quite An OOTD: February 28th 2013

Hello everyone!

So I was filming a video for my YouTube Channel yesterday and I won't bore you with how I got to this outfit but here it is! It's not technically an OOTD because I didn't wear it for long at all, but I though it looked cool so here:

Shirt - Topshop
Skirt - River Island

(Bad gif but also note that Tiffany, my bias
 from SNSD, has the same top!! Check out Jess
halfassing the dance though...awh.)
Oh yes, I was so very happy when I found out that Tiffany and I have a shirt in common! I knew when I started this blog that it wouldn't be long before this top appeared. It's quite different from my style now, but I love it - it's bright, fun and summery, and the shape is lovely too. The skirt was a recent purchase from River Island on my first trip to the Westfield shopping centre in White City, London. I was pretty starstruck when I went in there, it looks like a complex in Dubai! Anyway *ahem* I love this skirt. It's pleather, and I love the fact that it is quite rigid and stays in that A shape. I think the white stripe is really playful, although the skirt is a little short.


Just a quick note, I'm thinking of changing my blog name and 'redecorating' it. I know I've just changed the theme but I don't think the name and design suit my style that much anymore. I'm still girly, but I'm not 100% lace and flowers and polka dots anymore and I want my blog to represent me. I'll think about it.

Anyway, as always I hope you enjoyed!


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