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Monday, 18 February 2013

February Wishlist (Updated!)

Hi everyone!

So my last post was pretty rushed, and I feel like the items I posted were pretty I'm going to do it again! These items are from different places to where I usually shop because I'm trying to be smarter with what I buy. 

Let's start!

These rings are so cute! They work out at around £11 for five rings, which I think is really good value. The designs are a crown, a bow, a pearl, a diamante band and what looks like a four-leaf clover. They are so simple and elegant and I think they'd be perfect for making wearing rings into a habit!

I think these tights are really cool. They can be cute or a little more edgy (provided they fit and they don't ladder!) and since I'm trying to wear skirts more often they'd be good for when it's too cold to go bare-legged.

This piece isn't something I'd actively go looking for, but I was browsing the Urban Outfitters site and I saw this. It's so...nice! I love the horoscope design and I think it would be really nice to have a real, solid watch.

I think I've seen clothesencounters on YouTube wearing a similar ring, but I really like it. It's simple and versatile...and it's silver! I really need to wear more silver jewelry because I have a necklace that I wear daily which is silver, so I need the rest of my jewellery to match!

This ring is seriously cute! It's a little planet going around a ring! Silver again, but I think the second section is rose gold (which I LOVE) so I really want this ring!

Every girl needs a basic denim skirt and this one from Pull&Bear is perfect. I love the shape and colour and I think I'd get a lot of wear out of it!

Jeffrey Campbell Litas. I have wanted these ever since I first saw clothesencounters wearing them. They are a really nice shape and colour and they're such good quality...well, they should be for £102! They'd be great for giving me extra height in a concert standing pit too. It's just such a shame that they are so expensive because I am a broke, I'm 166cm tall - tall enough without whatever ridiculous cms these shoes would add to my height. I think I'd look like a transvestite! Classic case of material longing vs practicality. Sigh.

So, that's my February wishlist! Hope you enjoyed!


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