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Wednesday, 22 August 2012

OOTD: 22nd August 2012

Hello all^^

This is my OOTD for today, which I am calling 'Fringing & Feathers'. I am sleeping over at my best friend's house today and we have been taking photos for our respective blogs (hers is vintagerosethoughts if you want to take a look^^). This look is inspired by After School Red's Jungah from their 'In The Night Sky' music video:

Here it is!

Top: Zara
Fringed 'waistcoat': New Look
Shorts: New Look
Feathers: New Look
Necklace: River Island
Ring: Gift

I've been looking for a top that I could style with this 'waistcoat' for a while, so when I dug up this studded top, I thought it was perfect! I've had this top for a couple of years but never really worn it, and I want to give it more love from now on! I decided to pair it with these high-waisted (but not enough for my unusually high waist) shorts, since the darker denim contrasts the lighter palette of the top and waistcoat.
Accessory-wise, I wore a little more than usual (but then I was trying!) and I decided to go matchy-matchy by keeping the colours consistent. The studs, necklace, ring and feathers are all in a slightly 'distressed' shade of bronzy-gold, which I like. I also think that it suits the slightly American-Indian flavour of this outfit. The feathers were a little less subtle nod to American-Indians but they were partially hidden by my hair so they weren't obvious on first sight.


I love the mix of textures and the blend of colours...hope you do to!^^


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